Title: Trends in the epigenetics human longevity: Sorting hope from hype
Title: Epidemiology of viral infections of the upper respiratory tract in the world
Title: Gamification and enabling technologies in preventative healthcare
Title: Dentogenic toxins and glymphatism: Their effects on the brain
Title: Migration: A major challenge to health and safety at work
Title: Utilizing AI to optimize EMSresponse to acute mental illness and resulting ER resource allocation
Title: Fentanyl overdose harm reduction intervention: A quasi-experimental study in Southern California
Title: Exploring barriers to immunisation in Te Taitokerau, the northland region of Aotearoa New Zealand
Title: Novel anaemia therapy in chronic kidney disease: Expectations and myths of adverse drug reactions
Title: Assessment of burden among informal caregivers from HHC patients – Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
Title: Characterization of the gut microbiota in adults with coronary atherosclerosis
Title: Atypical presentations of cutaneous tuberculosis: Series of 10 cases
Title: Toxoplasmosis diagnosis and treatment: Current and futuristic trajectories
Title: Comparison on knowledge on health insurance between urban and rural elderly people
Title: Diagnostic practices and associated factors among TB patients in Uganda, 2022