Dr. Vijayan Gurumurthy Iyer studied Environmental Science and Engineering at the Indian School of Mines, Dhanbad and graduated as M.Tech. in 1998. He has served in Indian Council of Agricultural Research (I.C.A.R.) during 1985-1998 as Technical Officer. He received his PhD degree in 2003 at the same institution. After ten-years postdoctoral fellowship supervised by Dr Nikos Mastorakis in WSEAS, Greece, he obtained the position of a Professor in Haramaya University, Ethiopia. Presently, serving as faculty in Bihar Institute of Public Administration & Rural Development (BIPARD), Gaya, Bihar, India. He has published more than 350 research articles in journals and more than 5000 research citation. His h.index 60.
Title : Environmental Health Impact Assessment (EHIA) process for public health plants