In order to reduce and/or make up for any functional changes brought on by a nervous system damage, neurorehabilitation is a sophisticated medical procedure. When a patient suffers from a severe impairment, such as that brought on by a major spinal injury or brain damage, their abilities, way of life, and plans are all abruptly destroyed. The individual and their family must build and negotiate a "new way of existence," both with their altered bodies and as an altered person within their larger community, in order to deal with this circumstance. Thus, neurorehabilitation utilises the abilities and perspectives of the impaired individual as well as their family, friends, and community. It encourages them to develop the best amount of freedom in their job. Additionally, it inspires individuals to regain confidence and a cheerful attitude. They can then adjust to their new environment and get the confidence they need to successfully and sincerely reintegrate into the community. Neurorehabilitation offers a range of therapies from medications, physical therapy, speech and swallowing therapy, psychological therapies, occupational therapies, teaching or re-training patients on mobility skills, communication processes, and other aspects of that person's daily routine. It focuses on all aspects of a person's functional independence and well-being. Focus is also placed on the nutritional, psychological, and artistic aspects of a person's recovery through neurorehabilitation. The most crucial therapies are those that support patients in going about their daily lives. These consist of everyday function-focused therapies such physiotherapy, occupational therapy, rehabilitation psychology, speech and swallowing therapy, visual therapy, and language therapy.
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