Title : The RinasciMENTE project: An internet-based self-help program to manage psychological distress within the wider Italian population
This research aims to 1) Explore the experiences that Italians have with available psychological support services, their needs and attitudes, as well as possible barriers to online psychological interventions;
2) Evaluate the usability of the RinasciMENTE platform; and
3) Test the feasibility and effectiveness of the RinasciMENTE program in increasing the emotional health of a representative sample from the Italian community.
To achieve the abovementioned goals 1) A sample of 1024 Italians (F = 69.8%; mean age = 41.3; SD = 15.3) was asked to complete an online ad hoc survey. Following,
2) The think-aloud test method, the system usability scale, and an ad hoc semi-structured interview were used to determine the system's overall usability in a balanced gender-age sample of 10 individuals. Quantitative data was analyzed using descriptive statistics, and qualitative data was analyzed for content using thematic analysis.
3) A randomized controlled trial (RCT) is currently underway to evaluate the effects of the RinasciMENTE program with those of a waiting list control group. A minimum of 128 individuals with mild or below-the-threshold psychological symptoms are enrolled in the study. After undergoing baseline screening, individuals are randomized to either the control condition or the experimental group. Participants in the program work through eight weekly CBT modules for two months. At the end of the intervention and twelve months later, the impact of the RinasciMENTE program on selected primary and secondary psychological outcomes is assessed.
The results showed that 1) Psychological support is provided mainly in person (69.0%), while online interventions are mostly used in extra-European countries (57%) and 44% of the total sample was interested in Internet-based psychological intervention. The main recognized advantages of psychological support provided through the Internet were a reduction in geographical distances, economic reasons, and dropping in the waiting list, while identified disadvantages were problems with technology, low motivation of users, and privacy/security reasons.
2) The participants in the second study were mostly satisfied with the usability of the program. However, older users (≥45 years) encountered more problems, compared to their younger counterparts. Moreover, the analysis of the interviews revealed three central themes: general thoughts about the platform, weaknesses of the platform, and difficulties encountered while navigating and completing tasks, and strengths of the platform. Regarding the third study,
3) It is anticipated that the psychological functioning of the participants will improve and they will gain the confidence and abilities needed to deal with their emotional problems.
These data 1) Made it possible to improve the knowledge regarding the views and attitudes that Italians have about online psychological interventions and shed light on how to increase the uptake of digital health.
They also 2) Allowed the identification of potential usability problems with the system, and improvements were made before the RinasciMENTE program started to be tested under real-world conditions. The results of the RCT will provide valuable information and contribute to the implementation of self-help CBT programs among the Italian population.