Title : The place of spot check in public health campaigns
Spot-check (SC) is a quick examination of a few members, or groups instead of the whole group. It is a check or examination done at random to ensure that in the exercise everything is carried out according to the rules. The word spot check was first use in 1920 meaning. Spot-check is an unanticipated visit done by senior field staff to verify the programme to make sure that it is satisfactory and to ensure that the programme is done in accordance with the scheme .Spot check evaluation can identify problems in the performance of the programme. According to J-PAL’s research protocols, it is a suggested best practice that 15% of surveys are spot-checked. SC survey (SCS) was thus employed to verify in the field whether the operational guidelines through the methodological guide and the procedures, planning and micro-planning documents, are followed and applied by all at the different stages of the implementation process of SMC campaign. The spot check was able to identify good practices, lessons learned and areas of weakness for which recommendations were made to strengthen SMC implementation in the country. A Spot-check Survey (SCS) was introduced to ensure proper implementation of the Seasonal Malaria Chemoprevention (SMC) program in Adamawa and Yobe states. Questionnaire was used during the survey, period and were able to find out some lapses in both Adamawa and Yobe States. During the SMC, Direct observed therapy of the SMC drugs was initially low, because of the Spot-check, this was addressed during the meeting at the end of the day. It was also noted that some of the Community Drug Distributors (CDDs)were not actually doing the house-to-house distribution of drugs, the team were able to correct the situation and the processes involved. It was also found that not everybody understood why the program SMC id done, but with the spot check, the CDDs were given more information which was passed onto the communities, making them understand why the program SMC. SC has been introduced from 2021 to 2023 (unpublished) and this has improved the uptake of the SMC in these states. SC is therefore an important tool that should be used in monitoring, evaluating and strengthening any health program in the community. This will actually bring out the problems encounter during the program and they are being addressed immediately. It improves the overall activity or program in the community or in a selected population.