Title : The challenges of primary health care providers and the facilities of Kandep District
This research, titled ‘The challenges of primary health care providers and the facilities of Kandep district’ was adopted through the application of qualitative research method to identify the motivating factors of the challenges confronted by the health workers and the facilities of the primary health care system of Kandep district. The study comprised the literature review and the social survey methods; which were internet browsing, interviews, questionnaire, observation and the use of purposive and accidental sampling methods. These methods were used to test the validity of the research questions. The datas collected were analyzed using figures and tables.
The study revealed that many challenges had affected the primary health care services of the district. At the management level, lack of good governance and poor leadership were the major contributing factors of poor health services. At the community level, tribal fights with other social factors were identified the catalyst of ineffective health services delivery. It can be noted that various challenges are threatening the better health care service delivery. Therefore, the responsible government agents, health planners, community leaders and the service providers require to adopt effective measures and work in line with the NHP 2021 – 2030 to manage and address the primary health care issues that had affected the rural population for a very long time.