Title : Prevalence of urinary incontinence in older adults in Xochitepec, Morelos
Introduction: Urinary incontinence (UI) significantly impacts the quality of life of older adults (OA) due to factors such as aging, comorbidities, polypharmacy, and functional decline. In Mexico, the prevalence of UI ranges from 13.6% to 48%, with limited studies conducted in our country.
Objective: To determine the prevalence of UI in older adults in Xochitepec, Morelos, with the aim of developing municipal public policy proposals focused on its detection and comprehensive management.
Method: This is a cross-sectional descriptive population study conducted in Xochitepec, Morelos, between August and December 2022, using probabilistic sampling of 306 older adults participating in the Municipal Comprehensive Care Program (ProMAI, by its acronym in Spanish). Older adults who agreed to participate signed informed consent forms prior to inclusion, ensuring the confidentiality of their data. Data collection was carried out through a survey using validated and standardized instruments focusing on geriatric syndromes, health habits, and nutritional status. The analysis was performed using the statistical software STATA 16.0.
Results: It was found that 11.6% of older adults experienced urinary leakage less than once a month, while 13.3% reported losing small amounts of urine. Overall, 29.6% of participants suffered from UI, with occasional urinary leakage being the most frequently reported symptom.
Conclusions: The high prevalence of UI among older adults in the municipality of Xochitepec highlights the need for comprehensive primary care strategies that promote the prevention and early management of associated factors and UI itself. These interventions can improve the quality of life of older adults and optimize health system resources.