Title : Facility managers experiences of mentorship at a district in gauteng province, South Africa
The researcher conducted the research study to explore how facility managers experience mentorship in a primary health care facility. A qualitative exploratory and descriptive research design was employed to achieve the study objectives. A non-probability purposive sampling method was used to select eleven facility managers from three subdistricts and pre-tested semi structured interview guide was used to interview them. Content analysis method was used to analyse the data, resulting into four themes.
Audience Take Away:
- The audience will learn how the process was followed and be able to apply in their own research
- The audience will learn mentorship experiences of facility managers including barriers to mentorship and how mentoring can be improved
- In this research gaps such as lack of formal mentoring and lack of human resources were identified
- This presentation can help the audience in their respective jobs as mentoring is an important aspect in most health settings, either clinical or teaching. The recommendations made can assist other health professionals to improve mentoring in their respective settings