HYBRID EVENT: You can participate in person at Singapore or Virtually from your home or work.

4th Edition of

International Public Health Conference

March 24-26, 2025 | Singapore

IPHC 2023

Pandemic prevention using the seven Golden Rules of Vision Zero

Speaker at International Public Health Conference 2023 - Mark Fullemann
Practice & Experience GmbH, Switzerland
Title : Pandemic prevention using the seven Golden Rules of Vision Zero


When companies hire employees they promise them – at least implicitly – that they will stay safe and healthy at their place of work.  The seven Golden Rules help management to convert this promise into reality.  The Covid virus has enlarged the spectrum of risks by a threat that comes from outside and has root causes that cannot be banned by the companies.  What, therefore, can and should management teams do to keep their promise of safety, health and wellbeing?

This presentation shows that the seven Golden Rules of Vision Zero stay “golden” also when attempting to prevent a pandemic.  Take leadership – the first rule – becomes even more important:  when managers explain and justify behavioral measures to avoid infections, using language their employees are familiar with and understand, then employees will follow those measures more willingly than complying with rules imposed by distant governments.  Measures connected to a place of work are concrete and specific, which fosters acceptance.  Improve qualifications and develop competencies, says rule number 6.  When a company lives a safety culture based on Vision Zero, managers are trusted when they convey knowledge.  This trust serves as a foundation upon which managers can build when trying to bring order to the often-conflicting opinions about the current pandemic.  One more example:  rule 3 – define targets -renders prevention more effective because company-internal objectives are more practical than general reproduction rates.  They concern frequency of cleaning surfaces, testing before work, drawing distance lines on the floor.

Furthermore, the use of the seven Golden Rules is important to stay consistent and to refrain from a proliferation of rules.  Although the virus threatens directly “only” the health of each individual, it also has secondary effects on safety and wellbeing.  Using masks renders communication more difficult; comprehension problems impair safety.  And working at home can create psychological problems with a negative impact on wellbeing.  A coherent approach as proved by the seven Golden Rules, is kind of a “must”.


2012 -  On going Practice & Experience Ltd 
2012 – 2015     OC Oerlikon Management LTD
Head of Health, Safety and Environment
1986 – 2011  :   Holcim Corporate

  • Training of the management boards of subsidiaries
  • Development and Roll-out of an integrated Management Reporting
  • Development and implementation of a methodology for Business Planning

Teaching : University of Applied Science, Northwestern Switzerland

  • 2000 ongoing
    Lecturer for Change Management, Management
    Reporting and techniques of staff work
    (Courses for Executive MBA)
  • 2013/14
    Lecturer for Change Management and Aspects of
    Group Management (Master level)
  • Baden-Württemberg Cooperative State University
    2012 – 2014
    Lecturer for Change Management (Bachelor level)

Education :  2012 – 2015     Doctoral studies MTEC ETH Zurich
2006     Senior Leadership Program IMD/Holcim
2004     Senior Management Program IMD/Holcim
1991     Senior Management Program Harvard Business School
1974     Master of Science in Physics, ETH Zurich
1969     Swiss High School Diploma (Baden)
1967     US High School Diploma (Ridgewood NJ)
Special Experience  :    

  • Working with teams in nearly all world regions
  • Management of decentralized teams
