Laraib Saleem is a Certified Public Health Professional, and a Public Health Educator at the New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene, Bureau of Environmental Disease and Injury Prevention. He is also a part of Anti-Racism Environmental Justice program at the Mount Sinai, Department of Environmental Health and Medicine to promote community advocacy on environmental and social justice among underserved communities of East Harlem Neighborhood. He worked on different global public health research projects during his academic and professional experience. He was a former Asthma/COPD Community Health Liaison at the New York City Health and Hospitals. He had received his Masters in Public Health at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai in Environmental Health Science and Medicine specialization in 2023. He is a Sustaining/Emerging Professional Member of American Public Health Association, National Environmental Health Association, and New York State Public Health Association. Laraib’s Masters research manuscript on a cross-sectional study of areca nut consumption and self-reported oral cancers conducted in Karachi, Pakistan between 2020 to 2021, has motivated the underserved communities from local to global on the importance of social determinants of health, one health and basic human rights.
Title : The prevalence of areca nut consumption among the rural communities in Karachi, Pakistan: A community-based cross-sectional study