Title : Software adaptation framework for COPD disease
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is one of the most severe public health problems worldwide. Pervasive and context aware computing create a new opportunity to redesign the traditional pattern of medical system. While many pervasive healthcare systems are currently found in the literature, there is little published research on the effectiveness and adaptation of these paradigms in the medical context. We designed and validated a rule-based ontology framework for COPD patients. Unlike conventional systems, this work presents a new vision of telemedicine and remote care solutions that will promote individual self-management and autonomy for COPD patients through an advanced decision-making technique. This framework organizes and manages patients’ data and information, as well as helps doctors and medical experts in diagnosing disease and taking precluding procedure to avoid exacerbation as much as possible. In this talk, I will highlight the main components of this framework and show methods to adapt it based on the context of patients.